Monday, July 19, 2010

Post-College Break

Dana & Legos, 2009

I have been so remiss in updating this blog the past couple of months. I had planned to transfer to another blogging site, like Wordpress or Tumblr, because I'm not particularly fond of the look of blogger; but that, too, has been put on hold.

I want to give a quick update on some recent events. I graduated from college...which was, ya know, a pretty big deal. Since then I've been collecting myself, taking a bit of a break and beginning the job search. 

However, I have a photograph in a show! "Dana & Legos" was accepted into the "Glimpses in Time" show at the Joyce Gordon Gallery in Oakland, CA. It's currently on display all through the month of July. If you live near Oakland, or are passing through, be sure to check it out!

In a recent review of the show, I was (very) briefly mentioned. Check it out here.

Joyce Gordon Gallery is located at 406 14th St., Oakland, CA. 94612.

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