Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's Pronounced LeiboVitz

Last night Annie Leibovitz spoke at the Harold Washington Library...for free. I got there at 4:45, the doors were set to open at 5, and the line twisted down and around corners and corridors of the library. I was sure I wouldn't receive the yellow ticket that would let me in to the main auditorium to see her speak in person. I ended up with yellow ticket number 373, just 12 away from receiving a white ticket to watch her on a projection screen of another auditorium.

I wouldn't say I'm Annie Leibovitz's greatest fan. I think her pictures are a bit mundane, to be completely honest. But she's by far successful and makes good pictures. I was mostly interested in hearing about how she got started and then progressed into fame. But what draws me the most to Annie Leibovitz is that I can relate to her fairly other Lesbian photographer has been as successful as her. In that respect, representing females and lesbians in the photography business, I felt I had a lot to learn from her.

I impulsively purchased her overpriced new book just so I could get a signed copy. It was worth it (I think). We weren't supposed to take pictures in the auditorium, but there were probably over a 100 cameras going off throughout her speech (seriously, what do they expect?)

I'm glad that I can now say I have seen Annie Leibovitz in person.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You are a strangely active person.

And now miss "leibo vitz" is going to come hunt you down and skewer you for taking pictures during her talk.

You and no one else.