Monday, December 1, 2008

A Much Needed Break

I've been working on the website. Trying to dig through the school work and images I have yet to edit to post of my most recent work. It's been sort of a drag, truthfully. But it was updated last week, so check that out, and there will be more to come.

School is winding down. I'm in the process of fighting for printing time in the lab, which is a complete nightmare the last week before finals. I've signed up for an hour each day for the next week, so I'm hoping that will be enough. My images for the final are not as exciting as the midterm (in my opinion, anyway), but the project seemed much easier this second time around. I'm beginning to understand the concept, and therefore see it, a little better. I haven't made prints of the images yet, but here a few I'm working on:

This weekend I left Chicago for St. Louis to spend Thanksgiving with my family. It was a much needed break, to say the least, from school and Chicago. It was also a nice opportunity to do some shooting not related to school, and for the first time in a while to get out of the studio and "On the Road," so to speak. Well, this isn't entirely true, because I was partially shooting for a Photo History II project about the photographic journey of being "On the Road." I liked this assignment because I have always liked the documentary work of 20th century photographers the most. It's what first brought me in to photography, and to try my hand at it was a lot of fun. And I was surprised by how many of the images came out pretty nice. I was shooting in either direct sunlight, or grossly overcast light, neither of which is naturally beautiful, but I still liked the results I got. These imperfect working conditions are what I imagine most "On the Road" photographers deal with more than anything.

Here are a few of my images from the trip. I might post some more in my next entry.

I have yet to check on the status of the studio hours throughout this coming January, but if they are favorable, I'm hoping to start a new project, completely unrelated to school.

1 comment:

Mike Reinders said...

i went to the arch the sunday after thanksgiving too. it was so gross out!